The quest of “how to find your life purpose” is a journey that intertwines deeply with one’s sense of self. Let’s explore how a healthy self-esteem is not just beneficial but essential in identifying and pursuing your life’s true calling. Exploration of Self-Esteem and Life Purpose: Self-Esteem as a Catalyst: High self-esteem not only boosts…

In a world brimming with possibilities yet often lacking direction, Josh Dolin stands as a beacon for those seeking their life’s true purpose. With a friendly and nurturing approach, Josh, a dedicated life purpose coach (Purpose Pathfinder), invites you on a journey of self-discovery and profound transformation. Josh’s Philosophy and Approach: Empathy and Understanding: At…

Stress, an ever-present aspect of modern life, is a complex system designed to mobilize several bodily functions. Whether it be psychological or physical, stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, triggering multiple physiological responses. Understanding these mechanisms behind stress can empower us to take control and manage the impact stress can have on our well-being. In…

Why do immigrant women would benefit from psychotherapy?   Immigrant women in Canada represent a diverse mosaic of cultures, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the fabric of Canadian society. Despite the opportunities and promises that migration offers, these women often face multifaceted challenges that can significantly impact their mental well-being. Their journey…

You may be hearing about SWATTING in the media recently.  Many reporters have been discussing the rise of SWATTING.  However, SWATTING has been occurring with teenagers who play online gaming since 2019.  In 2019, I wrote on of my first articles regarding this new teenage activity.  However, at that time since the targets were average…

Anxiety is a complex issue. It is dependant on environmental factors. If someone hurts you it may be that you are fearful of being hurt again. It is an emotional issue. Anxiety is dependant on how you behave towards other people and how you are treated. If you feel you have offended someone and haven’t…

My therapy has the focus is on ensuring those living with mental health issues can live with dignity. Dignity in psychological healthcare means ensuring those who need help are able to access it in a reasonable time and without fear of stigma, especially in vulnerable groups. Within my therapy we focus on treating people fairly…

Take a guess, how many studies exist examining the effectiveness of addiction programs for unwanted pornography viewing?  The answer: ZERO.  Pretty shocking right? Addiction recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) have been around for decades. These programs have helped countless people over the years overcome drug and alcohol problems. Many have attempted to apply the…