I have worked with many individuals who are twice or thrice exceptional, also known as 2e or 3e. The term 2e or 3e refers to people who are intellectually gifted but also experience some form of neurodivergence, such as ADHD, autism, or a learning difference. If you fall into this category, you may find that…

Many people consider the holiday season to be a fun, relaxing, and joyful time of year, but for autistic people, these times may be hectic and actually more of a burden. Autistic people struggle with social interaction, sensory impairments, executive functioning, anxiety, and depression, and the pandemic seems to have exacerbated the problem. Many people…

In a world that celebrates diversity and individuality, it’s essential to recognize that each one of us possesses a unique set of strengths and challenges. Learning disabilities or differences are a part of this rich tapestry of human diversity, affecting millions of people worldwide. If you or someone you know has a learning difference, then…

The World Is Never More Hopeful As When The Old Honor The Young This saying about honoring the young hangs in my workshop. I think my wife found it, I’m not sure where. I liked it and she gave it to me. The concept of honor carries many meanings in our culture. I think most…

class=”submessage”>Unable to execute JavaScript.</div></div> The Holiday Season is here again, however, this year it still will not be our typical Holiday Season because we are still dealing with the effects of the Coronavirus, inflation is still high and we have two very serious wars occurring in the world.  As for COVID over 1,000,000 Americans have…

Author: Ethel Krivyan Practicing gratitude is a powerful and transformative form of self-care that has far-reaching benefits for mental and emotional well-being. In a world often characterized by hustle and stress, taking intentional steps to cultivate gratitude can be a game-changer. Here are five effective ways to practice gratitude for self-care, fostering a positive mindset and…

Thanksgiving is this week which means Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays are around the corner.  The Holiday Season can be difficult for many people for various reasons.  The Holidays can exacerbate family disagreements, someone may be grieving the loss of a loved one or some people are barely surviving financially and have no idea how…