How Counseling Can Help Your Child With Depression   Working with a child counselor can give your child tools to address common depression symptoms, develop healthy coping skills, and learn how to become their own advocate.   Common Signs Of Depression In Kids: Low energy. A decline in academic performance. Not wanting to socialize. Negative…

How To Teach Your Child Mindfulness: Tips From A Child Therapist   Mindfulness is the act of being in the present moment. Though this may sound like something easy to do, it can be challenging. For kids, this strategy can be very challenging. This is due to the amount of stimulus that kids have in…

Bullying is a big problem in our society.  In fact, it is considered an epidemic by many people.  Since the pandemic we have not heard a great deal about it because most children were attending school remotely and had little direct contact with each other.  However, bullying did continue during remote schooling and it is…

I am a Bristol-based Hypnotherapist and Counsellor and I have been running my practice for over 10 years. I have helped many clients make the changes they really wanted to make; overcome obstacles, they had never imagined they could; and find an inner calm they never thought possible.   “[Tamzin] has been a source of…

In past years there have been debates between people saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.  The United States has people from various ethnic backgrounds and religions living in our Country.  There are also many people who have no religious beliefs.  Our Country is suppose to be the “great melting pot.” Therefore, we are suppose to…