Be the Possibility! Most people want success, happiness, good health, joy, love and harmonious relationships in their lives. But the problem is that most people do not receive these things, and they think that it is just not possible for them. This kind of thinking is the kind of thinking that will block it…

Spike in sex addicts linked to Covid pandemic Sex addiction specialist Lisa Taylor, and her husband Michael, himself a recovering sex addict share their story. Photo: Sylvie Whinray For eight years Michael Taylor lied to his wife about having a sex addiction.”I hid it until I couldn’t hide it any longer,” Taylor told the Herald…

As an adolescent psychotherapist one of the major issues I deal with is respect.  Teenagers feel disrespected by their parents and parents feel dissected by their teenagers.  At this time of year with high school beginning many teenagers believe they are entitled to more respect because they are now high school students. They feel they…