Dear YOU,


…It is international Women’s Day today and even though the day has evolved into a day of a lot of external celebrations, please do not cut out the need for internal reflections which has the ability to tighten your conviction, launch you into action and create that change that burns in your heart that you honestly want to see actualized in our world today.


This history of how International Women’s Day started points us back the aforementioned of the importance of internal reflections that tightens convictions and make you take courageous steps that inspires others to want to come along that journey with you.


Unfortunately today,

The younger generation are seeing a model of what looks like a “flash to fame” this means, no Internal reflection, no conviction, no value system, no specific action burning to be taken, just the desire to be known and seen, which begs the question, how did we get here?


How did we get to the place and space where, people are more concerned with the number of your followers that the depth of your impact?


How did we get to the place where we pick people to be on lists and top charts just because of their influence, connections and likeability?


How did we as women get to the point where what we are awarded and rewarded on the outside is more important than the dreams and the conviction that we carry on the inside?



More importantly that the God that we follow on the inside?


In today’s day and age, women seem to be so stressed by the need to be liked, followed and admired.

This is evidently seen in the growing body surgery culture that even leads to the death of some of these people.


There’s more…

There is the part to want to look richer, bigger, better than the other woman, just to prove a point that you are IT.


The question is,

If you are truly “IT”, do you need to prove it to us forcefully or are your actions not enough to prove that to us?




Dear Woman,

Investing in Women and Truly accelerating progress like the 2024 International Women’s Day theme shares, starts with you looking inward and knowing what true progress really looks like.


What does progress look like for you?

What is the metrics for measuring progress?


Is it in the number of followers, the amount in your bank account, the car you drive or the impact you are making?


And when we say “impact you are making” what does that even mean?


Do you know what it means to make impact, or are you just following a “buzz word” that seems trendy and makes you look included?


This Video and the series of videos afterwards “specifically” on impact will get you started on what true Impact really means.


(Watch it after reading it is part one out of the many parts that follows it.)



(WONDIVA TV on YouTube for more)






I am here to remind you in truth about the GREATNESS you carry regardless of how the world around you rates you or praises you.

Your true worth and value must start with you even knowing about it, because only a woman who knows her true worth and value can really go on to make real impact that makes other people follow.




Decide to stop looking for followers artificially.

Stop trying to force it or think you can use external branding to make yourself become impactful and gain followers.

Different marketing “gurus” may teach you all about how the external will make you shine and in today’s world and context, I understand and get it.


But an important question you must ask yourself is, those women in the past from Rosa Parks to Mother Teresa and even people like Florence Nightingale, how many “branding” did they have?


These people had something deeper than outward branding, they had personal conviction, courage and the integrity in themselves to take the steps towards their dreams one step at a time.




While there are women who definitely still lead from a place of conviction, we have others who have been misguided into thinking that 21st century impact is all about how you look and the people you position and roll with, giving us a world where there are more talkers than walkers.



Dear Woman,

Make this International Women’s Day through this letter be the last day that you will live from “without” let this International Women’s Day be a day of reflection where you are choosing to truly progress and this progress must be well defined from within and articulated so that when you see the progress you will recognize it.

Make this International Women’s Day a day where you start majoring on the major and not on the minor.



A day where you decide within yourself that your rating and ranking doesn’t come from the world system of lists and recognition, good if you are recognized, but that shouldn’t be your resting place.


Your rating and your ranking truly comes from the God in whose image and likeness you are made.


A God in whose greatness you are made and in whose Spirit and Power you flow in.


A God who loved you before you were even formed in your mother’s womb.


A God who has counted you worthy with the life he has placed in you to live for him.


A God who created the world and the created things even you run after.


A God who sees you and is always with you.



Our King and our Father who counted it worthy for Man to not be alone, but to have us Women working side by side with men, in love and purity establishing his will on earth as it is in Heaven, that God is a lover of you and women generally and he is celebrating you and us all, all day long as we continue to abide in Him expanding and progressing His will, His purposes, His desires.



Above all,

Let’s remember Womanhood started from God, must be sustained in God and will only thrive in God.



Celebrate International Women’s Day reflecting on these things and keep your mind stayed on the true meaning of progress beyond the noise or the external parties going on.


Happy International Women’s Day from me and all of us at WONDIVA Global Community.


You can be a part of us,

Find the information on how to join WONDIVA at the bottom of this letter.


You are Significant,

Believe it, because it is true.

Live like a Woman of Significance


SAGENEL (Nkechi Emmanuel-Layode)

Visionary Lead and Founder,

WONDIVA Global Community.