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10 Natural Tools To Reduce Anxiety As A Mother

Rebecca Guarino

Today’s mothers are often juggling multiple roles and demands in their everyday life. They can feel totally maxed out physically and emotionally. Society places unattainable expectations on mothers and often sends out messages that we are failing.

And now with health warnings all over the news, there is additional stress about the wellness of our children. It is no surprise that anxiety creeps up on us, but fortunately there are also many tools to reduce this anxiety. 

If you are struggling with anxiety as a mother, you are not alone. The good news is there are many natural ways we can begin to reduce this stress and start to feel like ourselves again. 


10 Natural Tools to Reduce Anxiety as a Mother

1.    Practice Coping Strategies

2.    Try Therapeutic Writing

3.    Balance Circadian Rhythm

4.    Physical Activity/Exercise 

5.    Eat Intentionally 

6.    Try Supplements 

7.    Connect With Others for Social Support 

8.    Prioritize Self-Care 

9.    Simplify Your Life 

10.    Start Therapy 


Read the full blog here: