Struggling with procrastination? It’s frustrating when we want to accomplish things but feel blocked or distracted, leading to feelings of guilt and shame. Even simple tasks at home can seem overwhelming.

Today, let’s dive into how procrastination develops and strategies to empower ourselves to follow through and complete tasks.

Understanding Procrastination as a Learned Habit

Procrastination is an ingrained behaviour, a protective mechanism our subconscious uses. The good news: all habits can be changed. By replacing procrastination with positive habits, we enhance our confidence and achieve tasks effectively.

Addressing the Root Cause: Negative Self-Beliefs

Procrastination often stems from self-doubt and low self-esteem. Fear of failure and rejection prevents us from taking action. This protective shield paradoxically reinforces procrastination and feelings of inadequacy.

Building Emotional Confidence through Practice

Combat procrastination by practicing emotional mindfulness. Acknowledge and process emotions as you act, fostering resilience. This approach empowers you to step out of comfort zones, manage setbacks, and achieve success.

A Step-by-Step Approach to Overcome Procrastination

Let’s outline a practical method to tackle procrastination, starting small and progressing gradually:


1. Start Small: Clearing Clutter 

Begin with manageable tasks like decluttering. Visualize the satisfaction of a clean, open space.

2. Focus on Your Goal’s Essence 

Each action contributes to your larger goal. Embrace the feeling of accomplishment with each step.

3. Celebrate Small Wins 

Recognize and celebrate achievements in each small step in the bigger goal, reinforcing positive momentum.

4. Align Each Step with Your Goal 

Maintain focus on your goal’s essence—empowerment or clarity—throughout the process.

5. Consistency and Persistence

Establish a routine over 4-5 weeks to embed these habits into your subconscious long term memory. Celebrate successes to build lasting confidence.


Overcoming procrastination isn’t solely about task completion; it’s about nurturing self-assurance and trust. Practice mindfulness to break tasks into manageable steps, fostering a path to success. Start today with achievable goals, witnessing your confidence grow with each accomplishment you celebrate, within each step along the way.

Please visit my website to watch a video on how to overcome procrastination and build confidence for achieving success:


Schedule a free 1-hour Zoom video consultation with me today, taking the first step towards letting-go of procrastination once and for all, and creating a future filled with confidence:


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Arne Pedersen
Awareness In Health, Victoria, B.C.
Mindfulness-based counselling hypnotherapist
Specializing in anxiety, self-confidence, fears, negative thoughts, and more.
Online and in-person therapy available.