ADHD Hacks for Staying on Top of Life’s Chaos

Living with ADHD can feel like a whirlwind of distractions, unfinished tasks, and a constant battle to stay organized. But with the right tools and strategies, you can create an environment that helps you thrive. Whether you’re managing work, home, or personal goals, these ADHD hacks will help you stay focused, organized, and more in control of your daily life.

Here are some tried-and-true techniques to help you navigate life with ADHD:

1. Outsource or Automate Tasks When You Can

One of the most liberating ADHD hacks is recognizing when to delegate or automate tasks so you no longer have to do them. Whether it’s using a grocery delivery service, hiring a cleaner, or setting up automatic bill payments, outsourcing or automating can free up your mental energy for more important tasks.

  • Pro tip: Start with automating repetitive tasks, like setting up auto-pay for bills or subscriptions, and see how much time and mental space you save.

2. Create Routines, Even for Small Things

ADHD brains thrive on structure, and creating routines can simplify your day. From morning routines to evening wind-downs, having a set flow helps reduce decision fatigue and keeps you on track. By turning everyday tasks into automatic habits, you’ll reduce the chance of forgetting or procrastinating.

  • Pro tip: Write down your routine, set reminders, and don’t be afraid to adjust it until it works for you.

3. Designate ‘Drop Zones’ for Common Items

One common struggle for people with ADHD is misplacing items like keys, wallets, or phones. Avoid the last-minute scramble by creating drop zones—specific places where you put things when you come home. This could be a basket by the door, a hook for your keys, or a designated charging station for your phone.

  • Pro tip: Make your drop zone impossible to ignore—place it in high-traffic areas where you can’t miss it.

4. Use Your Phone’s Notes App for Every Thought

If your brain is constantly buzzing with ideas, tasks, or reminders, then the notes app on your phone is your new best friend. Writing down all to-do items as they come up is a great way to ensure you don’t forget important tasks. Having a central place to track ideas or tasks reduces overwhelm and allows you to stay organized.

  • Pro tip: Make use of separate categories or tags within the notes app to keep your ideas organized (e.g., work tasks, grocery list, personal projects).

5. Set Phone Alarms and Reminders

Those with ADHD often lose track of time or forget key tasks throughout the day. Setting alarms on your phone can be a game-changer for staying on track. Use alarms not just for big things (like meetings) but for day-to-day reminders like taking medication, switching tasks, or wrapping up a project. Many find it helpful to pair the alarm with a specific label like “Pick up laundry” or “Start prepping dinner.”

  • Pro tip: Set multiple alarms for long tasks, especially if you’re prone to hyper-focusing and losing track of time.

6. Visual Timers for Time Management

Sometimes it’s hard to judge how much time has passed, especially during a task that feels either slow or overwhelming. A visual timer can help you stay aware of the time. These timers (like a kitchen timer or the Pomodoro method app) allow you to set specific time blocks for work, cleaning, or anything that requires focus.

  • Pro tip: Make a game out of seeing how much you can do before the timer runs out! The ADHD brain responds to a sense of urgency.

7. Act on the Urge – Do It Immediately

People with ADHD often experience bursts of motivation or sudden clarity when it comes to doing certain tasks. If you find yourself suddenly in the mood to clean, organize, or finish a project—act on it right away. This is your brain telling you it’s ready to focus, and riding that wave of energy can help you get things done quickly and effectively. These bursts can be unpredictable, so when they hit, it’s best to drop what you’re doing and tackle the task immediately.

The key here is to seize the moment. Delaying the task might result in losing that motivation, and you might never get back to it in the same way. ADHD brains often operate in short windows of high motivation, so taking advantage of those “flow states” can be crucial for productivity.

  • Pro tip: Trust your instinct when the flow strikes—it’s a powerful ally in getting things done!

8. The “Just One Shirt” Strategy

Maybe the urge hasn’t hit yet, but you’ve got to complete a task. One of the biggest hurdles for people with ADHD is getting started. Tasks like folding laundry can feel so overwhelming that we avoid them altogether. A trick that works wonders is the “Just One Shirt” strategy—where you tell yourself you’ll fold just one shirt or complete one small task. The idea is that once you start, it’s much easier to keep going. Before you know it, you’ve folded the entire load of laundry!

This hack works because the brain often dreads the idea of completing a big task. By breaking it down and giving yourself permission to stop after one shirt, you reduce the mental resistance. In most cases, momentum takes over, and you’ll finish more than you originally planned.

  • Pro tip: Use this strategy for other tasks too—”I’ll clean one counter,” or “I’ll reply to just one email.” It’s all about lowering the barrier to getting started.

9. Place Items Strategically 

Out of sight, out of mind is a real thing for those with ADHD. This can make keeping up with chores challenging. A simple way to stay on top of tasks is by stashing things exactly where you’ll need them.  For example, keep cleaning supplies in every bathroom (and in multiple rooms if possible). This makes it easier to clean when the moment strikes, without having to search for supplies or leave the room and forget what you were doing.

  • Pro tip: Keep a small, designated cleaning caddy in each space for convenience.

10. Body Doubling

Really struggling to start a task?  Try body doubling. This hack involves having someone in the room or nearby while you’re working or doing tasks. The other person doesn’t need to help or talk to you, just their presence helps you stay on track. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a coworker, body doubling can increase accountability and minimize distractions.

  • Pro tip: You don’t need someone physically there—virtual body doubling works too! Platforms like Zoom or FaceTime allow you to co-work with a friend remotely.

10. Practice Self-Compassion and Patience

Living with ADHD comes with its unique challenges, so it’s important to practice self-compassion. Sometimes you won’t get everything done, and that’s okay. What matters most is progress, not perfection. Be patient with yourself as you experiment with these strategies and see which ones work best for you.

  • Pro tip: Celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem.

With these ADHD hacks, you can transform the way you approach daily life. Remember, the key is to find what works for you, adapt as needed, and give yourself grace along the way. With the right tools and mindset, you can take control of your time, stay organized, and reduce overwhelm.