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Art Therapy for Art Therapists!

Therapedia Centre

Many of us, art therapists, go through intensive art therapy programs/training without ever take a moment to pause; to dig deeply into our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, motivations and asking why. While we may be overwhelmed after running a support group for cancer patients or after a day working with kids in palliative care, we might not take the time to self-explore; deal with memories and feelings that came flooding back during the sessions.

Art therapy self-exploration techniques help explore one’s own identity, increases self-esteem, improves decision-making, and it provides a new set of lens to view things differently. Self-exploration makes you a real person… one with real fears, tears, sorrow, joy, excitements, and happiness.

Our art therapists in Montreal offer therapy services to students and professionals in mental health at affordable costs.

Self-care is on the top of the list of each and every class that we take… lets make it real by making some time for it!

By:Reyhane Namdari/ Art Therapist