Each year, Canada welcomes a significant number of refugees, contributing to its multicultural society. Among these newcomers, a considerable portion are children, with estimates suggesting that around 20% of the refugee population comprises minors. These children come from diverse backgrounds, often fleeing their home countries due to war, violence, persecution, or natural disasters. The Impact…

  What does it mean to be “Co-dependant”? “Codependency is a circular relationship in which one person needs the other person, who in turn, needs to be needed. The codependent person, known as ‘the giver,’ feels worthless unless they are needed by — and making sacrifices for — the enabler, otherwise known as ‘the taker.” In sociology,…

  ….Even though break-ups are one of the hardest things to do and saying goodbye is often one of the most dreaded things by Humans, in some cases it is often for the best and here are 10 ways to go through a break-up in a healthy wholesome way without becoming bitter, broken and scarred for the…

The culture of silence, a rooted cultural norm in South Asian, European, Middle Eastern, Asian and Black families, restrains attempts of physical and sexual abuse survivors from getting the help they need. The fear of revenge and being disowned is prominent in home of these families where kids are being abused. Family shame, honor, and…

Understanding NIHB and Access to Mental Health Services for Indigenous People In a world where mental health awareness is progressively taking the forefront, the provision of psychotherapy and counseling services to Indigenous people, free of charge, marks a significant step towards healing and reconciliation. This initiative is largely supported by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)…

In my practice, both online and in Victoria, I’ve guided numerous individuals through the maze of anxiety. Drawing from personal experience and professional insights, I’ve unraveled anxiety as a manifestation of fear deeply rooted in our subconscious. Often stemming from unresolved past events or emotional encounters, it breeds beliefs of inadequacy or unworthiness, hindering our…