Art therapy is gaining recognition as a valuable tool in psychotherapy for addiction recovery, particularly among young adults struggling with mental health challenges in Toronto. According to recent statistics, addiction rates among young adults in Toronto have increased, with many turning to substances or behaviors to cope with overwhelming emotions like shame. Art therapy helps…

When addressing the complex challenges of trauma, especially conditions like Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), both traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and art therapy have proven to be effective therapeutic methods. Each approach offers unique benefits, from the structured cognitive techniques of CBT to the expressive and creative avenues provided by art therapy. While CBT focuses…

The transition from elementary to high school is a significant milestone in a young person’s life. It’s a time filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re feeling excited or anxious—or a mix of both—it’s perfectly normal. At Eras Therapy and Wellness, we understand the unique pressures faced by youth today, and…

We’ve all been there—those moments when life feels chaotic, and you’re unsure how to regain control. Overwhelm can impact everything from our decision-making to our ability to stay present. Fortunately, with the right strategies, you can shift from overwhelm to a place of confidence and clarity. Let’s dive into five simple but powerful ways to…

Fostering in Ontario has a long history, rooted in the early 20th century when child welfare laws began recognizing the need for state intervention to protect children from abuse and neglect. The foster care system in Ontario aims to provide temporary care and a safe environment for children unable to live with their birth families…

Quit Smoking for Good with Hypnosis Smoking affects millions of people worldwide, and quitting can be incredibly challenging despite the known health risks. While methods like patches, gums, and medications can help, many are discovering the benefits of a different approach: online hypnosis. In this article, you’ll learn how smoking cessation hypnosis can help you…

Over the years children and teenagers have been exposed to stressful life events especially the last two years.  The teens today have grown up with daily school shootings and mass shooting drills.  Imagine being a second grader having to rehearse a man with a gun is on campus and you don’t know if you are…

  Gen Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, is navigating a unique set of challenges that sets them apart from previous generations. Growing up in a digital age, where social media and constant connectivity shape their daily lives, this generation is frequently exposed to information overload, online comparison, and cyberbullying.   Additionally,…

Hello all, Masking is a behaviour used by Neurodivergent people to hide ‘the symptoms’. I find that my clients with ADHD frequently mask their symptoms to avoid embarrassment, screwing up or failing. Masking works so well because it helps make positive first impressions with others and helps to keep them safe. Neurodivergent people tend to…