Anyone who has a teenager knows that the teenager think that they know everything and they need no one’s help, especially teenage boys.  Many parents have had major arguments with their teenagers because they tried to offer their teenager advice about how to handle a situation.  I have had many teenagers sit in my office…

We live in a competitive world and for children to be able to succeed or feel good about themselves they need to have healthy self-esteem.  With the competition between kids regarding the kids they are getting or clothes they are wearing this can be difficult.  Some kids have learning disabilities and their families cannot afford…

What are PMADs? Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) refer to a spectrum of mental health conditions that can affect individuals during pregnancy and the postpartum period. These disorders are more prevalent than many people realize, including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and, in rare cases, postpartum psychosis. PMADs can affect…

Starting a new school year is a significant life transition for children, one that often comes with a mix of excitement and anxiety. After the long, carefree days of summer, the return to a structured school routine can be both a welcome change and a challenging adjustment. For many children, the shift from the relaxed,…

The term ‘digital fatigue’ has become increasingly prevalent. It’s easy to pass it off as something that doesn’t hold much weight, but digital fatigue can the average person’s well-being. Let’s take a look at what digital fatigue is and what you can do about it. Defining Digital Fatigue Digital fatigue, also known as tech fatigue…

When it comes to mental health, emotional neglect stands as a silent and often overlooked form of trauma. It manifests when individuals, particularly in childhood, don’t receive the emotional support and validation they need. Unlike overt abuse, emotional neglect operates quietly, leaving lasting impacts on emotional well-being. Let’s delve into what emotional neglect is, its…

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative therapy that combines the benefits of ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, with traditional psychotherapeutic methods, offering a unique and powerful tool for mental health professionals. Understanding Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy KAP involves the administration of a carefully controlled dose of ketamine under the supervision of a trained therapist. Ketamine, known…

In the age of digital connectivity, the lines between personal and mediated experiences have blurred, giving rise to a fascinating yet complex phenomenon-parasocial relationships. In fact, with how commonplace it’s become, some media personalities don’t just allow the formation of parasocial relationships but encourage it — using their appeal as a means to market themselves…

Relationship challenges often lead to significant stress, impacting our well-being. This guide focuses on resolving issues with your spouse, partner, or friend by addressing their roots through mindfulness practices. Understanding the Foundation: Self-Relationship Connection Effective relationships start with how we relate to ourselves. Self-awareness and self-acceptance are crucial; they allow us to love, connect, and…