The Holiday Season is here and so is stress about gifts, family dinners and Holiday parties.  For example, many people will be worrying about how they will survive the Holidays with certain relatives and since prices have increased this year many people are worrying about how they will be able to afford the Holiday Season. …

  The Holiday Season is here and one of the most popular gifts with teenagers is a Smartphone.  Many teens may have a cellphone but that is not good enough.  They want an iPhone or its equivalent.  If they have an IPhone already, they want to upgrade to the newest version.  In today’s society many…

  We live in an area where most kids have more than they need.  For example, most fifth graders have Smartphones, IPads and laptops.  However, many parents still worry are they providing their children with enough.  Many parents are so worried about if the teen or child has enough that they often don’t realize how…

The Holidays are typically a happy time for many people.  However, for others it can be a very difficult time.  If you lost someone close during the year, the first Holiday season can be very difficult.  Also maybe the death occurred last year, you can still be grieving the loss of your loved one.  Our…