Halloween signals the beginning of the Holiday season.  Many people will be worrying about how they will survive the Holidays with certain relatives and since prices have increased this year many people are worrying about how they will be able to afford the Holiday Season.  Additionally, there is the Coronavirus pandemic.  Many people have…

The first step in achieving sobriety from sex and porn addiction is education and awareness. Education is learning a new concept while awareness is the application of this new knowledge upon yourself. So today, let’s take a look at the addiction cycle itself. First, it begins with a trigger or craving. These triggers or cravings…

Anxiety is a common issue for many Americans. Statistics indicate that nearly a third of all U.S. adults suffer from anxiety at some point during their lifetime, and every year, panic attacks strike more than 10% of the population. If you suffer from anxiety, you know firsthand how it can impact your life. It can interfere…

The Difference Between Laziness, Lack of Motivation, and Depression Being lazy, demotivated, and depressed often seems so similar that when you try to get rid of any of them, you find it tough to differentiate in the first place. Having the proper understanding of the problem makes it easy to get the correct solution without…

Have you ever been told, “think positive” or “look at the positive of the situation”? Well, many pieces of research show that positive thoughts do affect your mental and physical health in a very positive way. These studies prove that positive thinkers tend to be less stressed, healthier, and have better overall health. Well, setbacks…

Success never comes by staying within your comfort zone because when you limit yourself, you tend to miss out on a lot. Limits are what come between your goals, success, and yourself, so you’d need to break them if you want to go ahead. Breaking a limit could bring a lot of resistance that could…

Your everyday life often becomes busy, and this constant stress affects you physically and disturbs your mental health. However, a minor change in daily habits helps you reduce this pressure to a greater extent and make you able to think positive even in bad times. In this article, I will share some best working routine…

Having the support of a powerful personality like the president of your country gives you social support, improves your mental health, and makes you feel secure. Similar to this, your faith in God helps you to live a life with improved mental health. While the concept of spirituality varies from religion to religion, the effects stay the…