How To Teach Your Child To Regulate Their Emotions Regulating an emotion means that your child is able to acknowledge the feeling they are experiencing know how to regulate it in a healthy way. As a child counselor, I notice that kids at times have a hard time fully understanding and recognizing the emotion that…

do not listen to them.  As a result, many teenagers decide not to listen to their parents.  They feel their parents are disrespecting them by not listening, so why should they be respectful to their parents and listen to them.  This does create a number of arguments at home because many parents get very upset…

I’m getting a better, clearer picture of what the mind looks like. There are facets to the mind, the facets are described as developmental phases of awareness. Each phase builds upon the next both including and expanding upon the previous facet. There is a process of growth at each facet, best described by Ken Wilber…