When I’m particularly overwhelmed or drowning in negative emotions, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and remind myself that life is like an ocean. Like the ocean, life is a vast, mysterious, unpredictable force much bigger than any one person. Sometimes it’s beautiful and freeing and joyous. Other times, it’s terrifying and rough…

Savor Gratitude– This is a practice of mindful gratitude. Embrace at the moment and take note of the appreciation of something- take a moment to pause and breathe into it. You will experience the expansion of your heart opening, your taking in more oxygen, and the cellular structure of your being will resonate. You will…

Today, February 14, 2021, will mark the three year anniversary of the at the high school in Parkside, Florida.  On that day 17 people were killed and 17 people were injured. The lives of these students, teachers and staff and families were changed forever.  Additionally, the lives of the first responders, paramedics and police, were…

The pandemic has reached a frightening point and a point where many teenagers feel the Coronavirus will never end. Over 475,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus and daily there are approximately 3,000 Americans dying from the Coronavirus.  In addition we are discovering new stains of the Coronavirus and we race to get everyone vaccinated. …

It’s Valentine’s Weekend and a major issue for many teenagers is if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend.  Having a girlfriend or boyfriend is very important to many teenagers.  Often teenagers feel defective if they do not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.  Many people are familiar with this line, “you complete me,” from the movie,…

New Group Posted by Kimberly Rehak on February 5, 2021 – 8:11pm LEAVING THE DOCK: LIFE BOAT A FAITH-BASED SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN WEEKLY TOPICS Surrounding Real-Life Challenging Situations, With A Careful Focus on Solutions. Applying Prayer, Biblical Practices, As Well As Tried & Tested Strategies to Help Heal, Restore, & FIND Renewed Strength. Fellowship Gatherings &…

Many teens die from suicide and drug abuse. Since the Pandemic started last year we have seen an increase in the number of teenage suicides and teens dying due to a drug overdose.  In fact, suicide is now the second leading cause of deaths for children 10 to 24 years old (CDC).  One thing that…