Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with many children and teenagers who happen to be autistic.  Often their parents are very worried.  They worry about their child’s future and how people will treat their child.  They have this concern because society tends to treat autism like some terrible disease.  Many people…

Since the beginning of the pandemic children have experienced an increase in depression and anxiety.  It’s understandable because they have been isolated from friends and family.  In addition no one can tell them what to expect and many have lost family members to COVID. Furthermore, just as somethings were opening up and returning somewhat to…

The Holiday Season is here, however, this year it will be very different due to the Coronavirus.  We have 225,000 people who have passed away from the virus so far.  So we have numerous people who are grieving for spouses, grandparents, siblings, parents and friends.  Furthermore, many parents are unemployed.  Millions of families cannot afford…

This year has taught us many lessons.  It has taught us that people we love may die unexpectedly and without us having a chance to say goodbye.  We have had over 225,000 moms, fathers, sons, daughters, spouses, grandparents and friends die from the Coronavirus this year (CDC).  The public health experts are estimating this number…

I have wrote previous articles about the old stereotype regarding what it takes to “be a man” and how this stereotype negatively affects teenage boys.  This stereotype typically leads young men to become sexually active in middle school, according to the current research data, and it also leads to a sense of isolation.  Teenage boys…