Standing up for yourself conversationally is needed in this day and age if faced with a person of a forceful manner. Invading peoples personal space with upfront aggression is over time a form of bullying.  Bullying in a psychological way or a physical way can also cause harm. If you are in the position of being…

Greetings! Happy New Year’s everyone!! I hope 2018 has been a rich and rewarding year for you. We often hear about people making “New Year’s resolutions.” However, I like to think of the dreams and plans that we have for the upcoming year should be viewed as “life resolutions.” Ultimately, what we do and commit…

If you are like many people, the shift in time and “falling back” with our clocks the passing of day light savings time will mean a bonus hour of sleep and a progressive shift towards shorter and darker days as the sun sets earlier each night.  It also means that you’ll likely experience changes in…

By Glyndora Condon MS MFT LPC   Meaning in life seems to provide nurturing according to studies that measured health and life behaviors (Health Psychology Review, Vol. 11, Nov. 4, 2017), and over 90 percent of Americans appear to believe that their lives are meaningful according to several reviews provided by the University of Virginia,…

In between your headline news and favorite sitcom or drama on television; you see the ads for a litany of medicines promising to spell relief from your illness de jour (e.g., depression, irritable bowel syndrome, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, and osteoporosis).  Although some people may experience short term relief from these conditions, these medications invariably…