Many of my clients have already discovered through long frustrating hours of trying to find a court approved anger management program,that there aren’t many actual “Anger Management Specialists” to be found. In fact, it is a highly specialized field. I have provided Anger Management treatment for the Department of Corrections for nearly twenty years and…

Many of our initial beliefs about power & control are hatched on the elementary school playground and in our initial, unsupervised interactions with peers at a young age. These beliefs, whether inherited, learned or both, become solidified by experience, become internalized and color how we are in relationships for years to decades to come. And…

  Falling in lust is easy. It’s automatic requiring no skills. Loving is entirely different requiring great skills. If all I did was correct people when they talk or write about “falling in love,” I’d be busy for the rest of my life. No one falls in love. One falls in lust. Lusting is automatic.…

PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENTS ARE ON THE RISE, AND MORE WOMEN ARE REQUESTING THEM As a couples counselor, the issue of pre-nuptial agreements is common. The discussion is usually about whether or not to have one. I have a different slant on the idea of pre-nups. Marrying is adding a legal contract to a relationship. The…

High school and the teenage years can be a very difficult time for teenagers and parents. This time of life has become even more difficult due to social networking, such as Facebook, smart phones and computer technology not to mention the fact that teenagers have easier access to drugs. Teenagers can obtain the typical street…

Childhood is an important period of time for human beings. Exposure to traumatic experiences during this time can have negative lifetime effects on children’s mental health. While one may think of trauma as any sort of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), neglect (emotional and physical), domestic violence or parental incarceration, researchers have indicated peer/sibling assault, bullying,…