Many men and women in the military have significant problems adjusting to civilian life after active duty. They have problems sleeping. They are agitated and jumpy, easily angered. Thoughts and images about the war come back to them at unwanted times in unwanted ways. They often feel emotionally disconnected from others including family. …
( The following is a reprint of an article I wrote a couple of years ago. It is still accurate) It is a New Year and you are thinking it is high time I received a better salary. Would it surprise you that the number one reason why women do not get paid as much…
A number of years ago the Catalyst group did a survey of women in fortune 500 companies who were at the VP level or higher. They asked them to describe the behaviors that led to their success. The number 1 answer at 71% was exceeding expectations. The number 2 answer at 67% was communicating with…
In January, I wrote an article for the publication in the national psychologist about Energy Psychology. In a subsequent issue there was a scathing letter to the editor by Dr. Chambers that was full of errors and misinformation. In his letter, among other things, he asserted that: “The fundamental concept of this modality, that manipulations…
I wrote the folowing article for the National Psychologist, In my 27 years of practice as a clinical psychologist, I have been guided by a continuous curiosity to study and implement the most effective tools for helping my clients experience relief and healing. Whether the techniques are firmly rooted in the psychotherapeutic establishment or newly…
Not so long ago, neuroscientists knew for a fact that once you were full grown you could not grow new brain cells. It turns out that was wrong. It is now an axiom of science that brain can be changed. This is called neuroplasticity. Not only can the brain be changed. It can be changed…
Dr. Steven Stosny suggests that giving 6 full contact hugs a day for six seconds each massively reduces resentments and negativity. I like this idea. So here is the catch, it needs to be for 6 seconds. Why 6 seconds? Because, it takes that long to really release the hormone of Oxytocin, the neurochemical that…
There are 4 times during the day that you can maximize the effect of any relationship behavior: waking up, going to sleep, coming home and leaving for work. Whatever you do during these transition times has a much stronger effect because it colors what comes next. The old adage don’t go to bed angry is…
Marie and her husband were going out on a date for the first time in several months. To make matters worse, life had gotten very hectic and she had not even had a chance to talk with him for a while and there were some things that were bothering her that she had been…
Perfection is the enemy of the good. It shuts people down and prevents them from accomplishing many goals. It is far better to shoot for a B and succeed than shoot for an A+ and becoome immobilized. 80-85% is more than good enough 95% of the time. Resist the thought that you have…