It is vitally important to start your day off with positively. When you start the day with positive thoughts, you move into your day with a glow, with a smile and this makes all the difference. Below I will list 4 things that will enrich and enliven your day and help you get off to a good start. But don’t think this is all there is to do, you still want to remain mindful of thoughts during the day that may try and derail all the effort and good work that you have done.
These can be done anytime of the day.
- Meditate for 15-20 minutes in a quiet and comfortable space with no interruptions. Meditate on your breath, a word, or a sound. This is best done at the start of your day, but is helpful anytime you chose to do it. Prioritize yourself and spend quality time in peace and quiet, calibrating yourself to a higher frequency.
- Go outside and move your body around, whether you walk, run, or stretch, just move and look around, and acknowledge and appreciate the beauty all around you. Look at the trees, the grass, the flowers, the birds, the sky, and acknowledge their beauty and wonder out loud….you could say “what a beautiful tree you are, “you are my favorite flower” ( I say this to many of the flowers and trees I see).
- Go outside or look out a window and look upward and outward and acknowledge that there are universal forces that are focused right at you. Acknowledge by name “God, or Hashem, or Source, or Life Force Energy, or Jesus, or whatever name you call that force, and say ” I acknowledge your continual focus on me on behalf of my well being, and I am in conscious awareness that you are there with me appreciating me, uplifting me, supporting me, guiding me, loving me, inspiring me, advising me, having fun with me, assisting me. Let your energy and your good feelings rise as you say these words.
- Get a notebook and title it Book of Positive Aspects. On top of 3 different sheets pick and write 3 different subjects or categories. It is especially helpful if you chose subjects that you may not be 100% satisfied with. Under each titled page list all the positive aspects of that subject. This exercise has you shift from feeling negatively about this subject into more positive and healthier feelings. This is very important because when we have 1 or 2 or even a few different areas in our lives that we are not happy with, this effects your overall vibration (energy) , which impacts your overall happiness and health.