In-Person in Chicago, IL 60611
Dr. Prasad specializes in treating mood disorders and Adult ADHD . He use a holistic approach, treating the full person rather than just symptoms. Dr. Prasad helps to treat treat mood, self-esteem, and concentration problems, as well as working with more diffuse issues around identity, interpersonal
Client Focus
Session Format: Individual sessions.
Age Specialty: Adult, Teen
Demographic Expertise: Asian, Black / African American, Hispanic / Latino, LGBTQ+, Persons with Disabilities clients.
Languages: English
Treatment Approach
- Contemplative Psychotherapy
Approach Description: Dr. Prasad will create effective, individualized treatment plans to best suit my patients needs including psychotherapy ("talk therapy"), medications (psychopharmacology), or both in combination. If medication is needed, I give the least medication necessary for the greatest positive outcome.
Education & Credentials
Pavan Prasad M.D.
- Male
- License # 036.137175
- Licensed in Illinois
- Practicing Since 2015
- Average Session Fee $130
- Accepts Insurance
Pavan Prasad Practice Details
Therapy Sessions
- Available In-Person in Chicago, IL 60611
The skilled therapists and psychiatrists at Clarity Clinic Chicago provide patients with market-leading medication and therapy treatment practices. It is our goal to assist you on your journey to a happy, balanced, and prosperous lifestyle. The Clinical Psychiatry and Therapy Services offered here help to brace, and guide our patients through the throes of their daily lives. The advice, support, and understanding provided by our therapeutic services aid patients in their journey of self-discovery, and help to enforce positive lifestyle habits necessary for completing your desired goals.