Tona Therapy is running a weekly virtual group for young adults ages 18-25. Clients will have a welcoming and opening space to share about their experiences navigating emerging adulthood, receive psychoeducation on common mental health challenges during this life stage, and develop coping skills. Please share the following information with any clients that may be interested!

This group is a good fit for you if:

  • You are navigating the transition into adulthood.
  • You struggle with anxiety or often feel overwhelmed by stress.
  • You are curious about exploring your identity and learning more about yourself.
  • You are looking to connect with a community of peers who are experiencing similar feelings about managing adulthood.
  • You want to develop coping skills that can empower you to better manage difficult emotions.

Group Details:

  • What: Psychoeducation and skills group individuals ages 18-25
  • When: 60 min weekly session in the evening from 9/16 – 11/8. (Exact day and time TBD)
  • Location: Virtual
  • Group Size: 8-10 participants
  • Cost: $75/session, 8 sessions total. Superbills can be provided.

Interested in learning more? Please fill out this brief form or email

We are also accepting individual clients for therapy. Please reach out to Tona Therapy if you or anyone you know is interested in exploring individual therapy options.