Are you struggling with anxiety, stress, or feelings of overwhelm? These are common challenges many of us face, and they can really disempower us. If you’re looking for ways to reduce stress, process emotions, and regain a sense of calm and clarity, mindfulness might be the solution you’re searching for.

As a mindfulness-based counselling hypnotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how mindfulness can help individuals break through mental and emotional barriers. 

That’s Why I’ve Created a FREE Freedom Through Mindfulness Self-Help Series

This empowering program is designed to guide you step-by-step through practical techniques to manage anxiety, stress, and negative thinking.

What This Series Offers

In this self-empowerment series, I cover six key areas that are essential for overcoming mental and emotional blocks:

  • Mindfulness: Discover how to stay grounded and manage emotional reactions by focusing on mindful, present-moment actions. This first section lays the foundation for building self-acceptance through mindfulness. By practicing mindfulness, you can regain control over your responses during difficult emotions and thoughts, reducing stress and fostering a deeper sense of self-acceptance.
  • Truth: Develop greater self-awareness and emotional resilience by recognizing how distorted perceptions often lead to negative reactions. Understanding how your mind creates stories can empower you to respond more effectively to challenges.
  • Feeling: Many of us are disconnected from our emotions, which leads to suppressed feelings of anger, sadness, or frustration. Reconnecting with your body can help you process emotions in a healthy way, allowing you to respond mindfully in tough situations.
  • Self-Discipline: Compassionate self-discipline is key to personal growth. This section of the series will teach you how to embrace discomfort while staying committed to your goals, even when the journey gets tough.
  • Positive Talk and Congruent Communication: How we think and communicate internally and externally impacts the outcomes we experience in life. Align your thoughts and communication with positive results, fostering a mindset that supports your goals.
  • Troubleshooting: Life brings challenges, and this section will teach you how to navigate setbacks with mindfulness, helping you stay on track and avoid falling into patterns of resistance.


Watch the Full Series on my website Here:

How Can This Help You?

This series is perfect for those who are dealing with:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Low self-esteem or self-confidence
  • Overwhelm and negative thinking
  • Feelings of unhappiness or unworthiness
  • Fear of expressing oneself authentically
  • Mental health challenges like OCD, PTSD, ADHD, or anger

Whether you’re seeking therapy for these issues or are simply interested in personal development, this series provides practical tools that can support emotional growth and resilience.

Helpful Tips to Get Started

  • Tip 1: Start with mindfulness. By bringing awareness to your breathing or physical sensations, you can help calm your mind and reduce anxiety. A simple practice like this can be your first step toward emotional balance.
  • Tip 2: Understand your triggers. Reflect on the moments when you feel anxious or stressed, and identify the underlying thoughts or beliefs driving those emotions. This awareness can help you respond in a healthier way.
  • Tip 3: Cultivate a positive mindset by practicing self-compassion. Self-judgment and criticism are often at the root of emotional pain, but by being kind to yourself, you open the door to healing.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to start transforming your life, I encourage you to check out my self-help video series on YouTube. The series is completely free and requires no sign-up, giving you easy access to the tools that can help you on your journey.

Watch the Full Series on my website Here:

About the Therapist

I’m Arne Pedersen, a mindfulness-based counselling hypnotherapist practicing both online and in-person in Victoria, B.C. I specialize in helping individuals overcome anxiety, low self-confidence, negative thoughts, and more. My approach focuses on practical tools and mindfulness-based techniques that support long-lasting emotional growth.

If you’re interested in learning more or scheduling a free consultation, visit my website:

Contact/Free Consultation:

For more Self-Help resources, visit my blog

Visit my Therapytribe profile for additional SELF-HELP articles:

© 2024 Arne Pedersen, Awareness In Health. All rights reserved. The Freedom Through Mindfulness Program series, including its structure, layout, and content, is the property of Arne Pedersen and is protected by copyright.