Parents many of you are concerned about the drug, Fentanyl, and your teenagers dying from it. Yes you need to be concerned about it, but there is another drug to be concerned about too. The name of the drug is Pink.  This drug is in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am hearing teenagers mention it to me.  Also if I try to warn teenagers about this drug, I hear them tell me that they already know about it. So parents please pay attention to the following information. 

Therefore,  the name you need to know right now is Pink.  This is the street name of a new synthetic drug being used by teenagers and college students.  The legal name for this drug is U4.  The DEA of the United States has banned the sale of this drug in all 50 states.  However, the drug is still for sale on the internet.  It is being sold by companies in China and it is being sold at a very cheap price.  Therefore, teenagers can get it very easily.

This drug is twice as strong and heroin and seven times as strong as morphine.  People often die the first time they use it.  There have been well over 100 deaths in the U.S. that have been linked to Pink.  It is currently mainly on the east coast but it is spreading across the country very quickly.

The drug comes in a white powder.  Many teens assume they can use the same amount as if they were using morphine or heroin.  However, this assumption is wrong.  The drug is so deadly that the amount equivalent to a few grains of sand can kill someone.  They call it Pink because teenagers typically snort it off their pinky. Teenagers who are buying this drug online often ignore the warning on the website that this drug is not for human consumption.

The DEA became aware of the drug two years ago and put a temporary ban on it.  Now after further studies they have banned the sale of U4 or the street name for the drug, Pink, in all 50 states.  Remember this drug is twice as strong as heroin and seven times as strong as morphine.  We already have an epidemic of accidental overdosages from heroin in the U.S.  The CDC estimated that in 2014 there were 50,000 deaths due to accidental heroin overdosages and a majority of these deaths were teenagers.  Furthermore, the CDC statistics show a 62% increase over the past ten years in the number of accidental heroin deaths.  Again most of the deaths are teenagers and children as young as 12 years old.  Pink has the possibility to be far more devastating than any other drug.

As parents you need to go online and educate yourself about this drug.  You also need to educate your teenagers and children in college about how dangerous this drug is in reality.  Maybe they have already used it and nothing happened so they think people are exaggerating how dangerous this drug can be.  However, this is the point you really need to understand this drug comes as a powder and using the amount of one grain of sand too much can kill.  There is no way to tell if you have too much on your pinky.  Also since it is very new, we do not know the long term effects of this drug.

So again as parents educate your children about this drug and point out it states not for human use on many of the websites.  Also if you notice any packages or bank charges by your teenager for buying items in China, check it out.  This drug is not for sale in this country and the main way that people are obtaining it is via the internet from companies in China who still sell this drug.

Dr. Michael Rubino specializes in treating high risk teenagers and has over 25 years experience with this population.  Those are teens who are suicidal, engage in cutting and drug use.  These are a few examples but he is also an expert in providing psychotherapy to children and teenagers in general.  For more information regarding his work or private visit his website at  or follow him on T

X @RubinoTherapy.