Many parents are very happy to hear that their child has been classified as “gifted.”  They assume that their child will do very well in school and have a very bright future because they are “gifted.”  While “gifted” children may excel in certain academic areas, often they have difficulties in other social situations or academic…

How Counseling Can Help Your Child With Self-Care I love working with kids and families. I notice sometimes the topic of self-care is focused on adults and not always on kids. Yet, I see kids every day in my office, and we talk about stress. We talk about the following areas that have to do…

How To Teach Your Child To Regulate Their Emotions Regulating an emotion means that your child is able to acknowledge the feeling they are experiencing know how to regulate it in a healthy way. As a child counselor, I notice that kids at times have a hard time fully understanding and recognizing the emotion that…

How To Create A Healthy Family System   How do you create a healthy family dynamic? Healthy families have systems and practices that they utilize which directly create and sustain the family system. If you are trying to create a healthy family system, I want to share with you a few areas that can be…

Ways To Help Your Child Increase Self-Esteem   Parents come together in sharing that one of their main objectives is to raise happy and healthy kids. Part of raising a happy and healthy child is connected to teaching your child how to strengthen self-esteem. Have you ever sat down with your child to talk to…

Positive Affirmations To Raise Happy Kids   Affirmations help kids build healthy levels of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. If you are unfamiliar with affirmations, I want you to think about them as words that feed the soul. Affirmations are words that we use to promote healthy thoughts, feelings, and actions. For instance, when a person…

Schools are starting to reopen during a pandemic.  Many schools are still arguing about if teachers and students over 12 years old must be vaccinated in addition to arguing if students and teachers must wear masks while at school.  While these debates are occurring students are adjusting to be back at school and many students…