Engulfed by a Storm   Those who have never been in a domestic violence situation are often perplexed as to how intelligent people become trapped and why they remain with someone who is abusive. In an effort to help provide clarity let us consider the dynamics of the following story: Imagine as if you are…

Positive parenting is a construct that we Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors seek to educate and to coach our parents as to the dynamics of such parenting.  Parents come with multiple complaints of how their little ones are oppositional and defiant. With a nutrition background of 17 years, connections with a local Nature-path,…

Anger is a common and universal emotion, which is often referred to as a secondary emotion, because it serves to protect us from other vulnerable feelings. Clinicians and researchers believe that anger covers a primary emotion such as sadness, fear, or anxiety. Our behavioral therapists also believe that children and adolescents with anger issues are…

As a psychotherapist, I often meet individuals, couples and families who at first describe the relationships that matter the most in their lives as ‘very close’, ‘tight’, and supportive. But later, after understanding the issues that brought them to my office, I view them more as insular systems that nurture – or even demand –…

Many of my clients have already discovered through long frustrating hours of trying to find a court approved anger management program,that there aren’t many actual “Anger Management Specialists” to be found. In fact, it is a highly specialized field. I have provided Anger Management treatment for the Department of Corrections for nearly twenty years and…

We all have heard about kids being bullied at school and about the anti-bullying programs being developed to stop bullying. In fact, the month of October is dedicated to Bully Awareness and to stop bullying. However, do we really know how severe the problem is? Research shows that 1 in 4 children are bullied at…