The journey through grief is a profound and complex process, significantly more so for children and adolescents who face the death of a loved one. This blog explores the multifaceted nature of grief within the developmental stages of young individuals, the therapeutic avenues available, including art therapy and psychotherapy, and the concept of “good grief.”…

What is the Prevalence of Divorce in Canada? Divorce and separation have become increasingly common phenomena in Canadian society, reflecting changes in social norms, values, and legal frameworks regarding marriage and family life. These changes have profound implications not just for the individuals directly involved but also for their children, whose experiences and perceptions of…

Navigating Complex Extended Family Problems with Dr. Karen Rippy Dealing with extended family issues can be a complex and challenging journey. It often involves a mix of personalities, expectations, and cultural differences, making the family dynamics intricate. However, there’s hope in effectively managing these relationships with the right guidance and support. Understanding Family Dynamics: Recognizing…

The heart can take and transform anything – think about it… what we are on the level of our heart has the ability to clean, refine and reconfigure us into what we were meant to be; real humans – beings of love.Imagine that you were able to be love in the face of anything. That…

Recently Dr. Gayle MacBride was interviewed by Beth Ann Mayer from Parade magazine, about that very topic. Here’s a link to that article. And, here’s her longer response: Learning how to politely disagree is important for healthy relationships and positive self-esteem.  Being able to communicate effectively contributes to healthy relationships, constructive problem-solving and positive self-worth. Here are some key reasons why it’s important:…

It’s Valentines Day and many people are thinking about their relationships.  We often think about adults when we think about relationships.  We especially think about adults when we think or hear about domestic violence.  However, physically, emotionally and verbally abusive relationships occur in teenage relationships too.  While reviewing this subject I came upon a video…

The Super Bowl is coming up quickly and many people are planning Super Bowl parties.  It is a traditional weekend when family and friends gather together for Super Bowl parties.  This has been a tradition for people for many years.  However, due to the  Coronavirus many people have had to skip their traditional parties.  This…

Not everyone connects with their inner child or even have the desire to. What made you want to explore this concept? Well I had to realize that all my adult ways weren’t working. I tried therapy, I tried to handle the here and now, I tried to mask, I drank, I tried to handle each…

I’m your resource. What do you want to know about fear? I’m afraid. I don’t like it What don’t you like about it? It makes me panicky and on edge. What does panicky and on edge feel like? A tightness on my chest, I can’t think straight. What does that feeling make you want to…