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Tag: Anxiety

Can ADHD symptoms be Treated in Teenagers?

Therapedia Centre

What does ADHD stand for? Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that often manifests during childhood and can extend into adolescence and adulthood. In Canada, the rate of ADHD among teenagers is notable, reflecting a broader trend observed in various countries. ADHD affects about 5% to 10% of Canadian teenagers, a statistic that […]

What Are the Signs of ADD in Adults?

Therapedia Centre

How Do the Signs of ADD in Adults Differ from Childhood ADD?   Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in adults often presents differently than in children. While children with ADD may exhibit hyperactivity and impulsiveness, adults are more likely to experience difficulties with attention, organization, and time management. Common signs in adults include trouble focusing on […]

Why I Think You Should Start Therapy This Year: A Personal Guide to Mental Wellness in Toronto

Therapedia Centre

The month of December can be a joyeuse month. With so many festivities to look forward to and plan for, most of us find our schedules to be tight and our calendars filled with events. However, the festivities and events of this month can also be a source of stress as planning for each event […]

Homeless US children during the Holiday Season

class=”submessage”>Unable to execute JavaScript.</div></div> The Holiday Season is here again, however, this year it still will not be our typical Holiday Season because we are still dealing with the effects of the Coronavirus, inflation is still high and we have two very serious wars occurring in the world.  As for COVID over 1,000,000 Americans have […]

Eating Disorders and the Holidays

Thanksgiving is this week which means Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays are around the corner.  The Holiday Season can be difficult for many people for various reasons.  The Holidays can exacerbate family disagreements, someone may be grieving the loss of a loved one or some people are barely surviving financially and have no idea how […]

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