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Tag: Anxiety

Enhancing Therapy with – Energy Psychology

Dr. Robert Schwarz

I wrote the folowing article for the National Psychologist, In my 27 years of practice as a clinical psychologist, I have been guided by a continuous curiosity to study and implement the most effective tools for helping my clients experience relief and healing. Whether the techniques are firmly rooted in the psychotherapeutic establishment or newly […]

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment

Dr. John Gerson

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment John Gerson, Ph.D. It should be our goal as parents to raise our children to be secure people. Fortunately, most of us have implicit knowledge of the behavioral ingredients that combine to promote security. That implicit knowledge most likely comes from the lucky experience of having been parented by parents […]

Remember, It’s Not so Easy…

Sharyn Rose

I was recently interviewed by a psychotherapist/author writing a piece on the initial contact made by potential clients looking for professional help. It was astonishing, as well as humbling, to be brought back to “the basics”, that initial call, and just what that must feel like to the person putting through that call or email. […]

Boundaries & Limits as Part of a Healthy Relationship

One of the most confusing concepts about limits and boundaries is understanding that there is a difference between these two terms. Yet both are equally important in a healthy relationship. A Boundary is a theoretical line that we define for others. Like a boundary on a map, in truth there is no line in stone […]

PET THERAPY: 20 Things You Can Learn from Your Pet (Part I)

Web MD had a wonderful article posted online about 20 things you can learn from your pet. All of them were good suggestions, but some spoke to me more than others. For instance, “live in the moment” and “forget multitasking;” although these were two separate recommendations, they seem related. Oftentimes, especially in this age of […]

The Importantance of Relational Focus in Therapy

Sowing into the noble cause of fostering healthy and strong relationships does empower the people involved with this challenging task.  A real sense of zeal and well being can come from connecting with another person; There is an ability and motivation to take action in the relationship as well as in other situations; There is an on going sense of growth and knowledge […]

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