It seems nowadays more and more people are going to their pediatrician or general practicing physician for evaluating, diagnosing and prescribing medication for mental health problems. The general public is even being encouraged to do so in fact. (Check out Many people trust their physicians and see them as the ultimate authority when it…

One of the most confusing concepts about limits and boundaries is understanding that there is a difference between these two terms. Yet both are equally important in a healthy relationship. A Boundary is a theoretical line that we define for others. Like a boundary on a map, in truth there is no line in stone…

Web MD had a wonderful article posted online about 20 things you can learn from your pet. All of them were good suggestions, but some spoke to me more than others. For instance, “live in the moment” and “forget multitasking;” although these were two separate recommendations, they seem related. Oftentimes, especially in this age of…