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Tag: Life Coaching

Emotional Healing: The Synergy of IFS Therapy and Matrix Reimprinting

In the realm of psychological healing and personal growth, the landscape is rich with diverse therapeutic modalities that aim to help individuals navigate their internal landscapes and heal past wounds. Two powerful approaches that have garnered attention in recent years are Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy and Matrix Reimprinting. Individually, they offer unique perspectives and […]

Intimacy and Meaning

Intimacy and Meaning “You are the intimacy and meaning you seek.” It’s the need to protect and control that prevents us from being real. Without the willingness to be vulnerable, to be without defenses, to be open to whatever arises, we cannot discover the meaning and intimacy within ourselves. Meaning and intimacy are often sought […]

Unlocking Potential: The Synergy of Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching

Modern life’s pace can leave many feeling overwhelmed, stuck in repetitive patterns, and distant from their goals. This is where hypnotherapy integrated into life coaching can be transformative. This powerful blend allows individuals to engage deeply with their subconscious, breaking through barriers and fostering significant change. This blog delves into this unique approach, highlighting its […]

Facts about Codependency

Samantha Cervino

  What does it mean to be “Co-dependant”? “Codependency is a circular relationship in which one person needs the other person, who in turn, needs to be needed. The codependent person, known as ‘the giver,’ feels worthless unless they are needed by — and making sacrifices for — the enabler, otherwise known as ‘the taker.” In sociology, […]

10 REAL ways heal in a healthy and wholesome way after a difficult Break-Up without becoming bitter, broken and scarred for the rest of your life.


  ….Even though break-ups are one of the hardest things to do and saying goodbye is often one of the most dreaded things by Humans, in some cases it is often for the best and here are 10 ways to go through a break-up in a healthy wholesome way without becoming bitter, broken and scarred for the […]

The Intersection of Life Coaching and Mental Health: Expanding the Toolkit for Personal Growth

People are always looking for ways to grow and feel better about themselves. This journey can be tough, especially with all the challenges life throws at us. That’s where the combo of life coaching and mental health support comes into play, offering a super toolkit for anyone looking to level up in life. What’s the […]