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Tag: Parenting

Teenagers and Cellphones

In today’s society many people including teenagers view cell phones as a necessity of life. However, it’s a privilege and we need to remember that fact. Many people have forgotten that cell phones are privileges especially teens and children in Middle School. This is a common argument I encounter between children and parents. The other […]

My Defiant Child!

Therapedia Centre

If you’re the parent of a defiant child, you are probably tired of the daily notes you receive regarding your child’s misbehaviour at daycare, kindergarten, or school! You have probably felt frustrated, angry, fearful, or embarrassed when your kid is out of control and throws a tantrum at the mall, movies, or a family friend’s […]

Online Florida Parent Education Family Stabilization Course $19.95

Dr. Justin D'Arienzo

Health Divorce Healthy Kids Divorce Course–Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course Take our Florida Parent Education Family Stabilization Course. The price is $19.95. Get your certificate today! It is a requirement to have if you have children and you are divorcing in Florida. We have the most affordable divorce course online. Contact us today […]

100% Success Rate

Stephanie Featherston

Today is two days before Christmas. I’m not sure how that happened. One minute it’s summer, and the next Christmas carols are wafting up the stairs at work. Frankly, the weather hasn’t been very cooperative in this venture. It’s in the sixties outside and raining… not what you’d ordinarily expect from Georgia in December. If […]

Anxiety ruins childhood!

Therapedia Centre

According to researchers, anxious children are more likely to be submissive and therefore their worries tend to be overlooked. As such, parents should be attentive to their kids’ worries, create a list of their worries, observe their kids’ behavior in social situations; i.e. parties, pool, play grounds, and understand their kids’ anxiety rather than ignoring […]

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment

Dr. John Gerson

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment John Gerson, Ph.D. It should be our goal as parents to raise our children to be secure people. Fortunately, most of us have implicit knowledge of the behavioral ingredients that combine to promote security. That implicit knowledge most likely comes from the lucky experience of having been parented by parents […]

Boundaries & Limits as Part of a Healthy Relationship

One of the most confusing concepts about limits and boundaries is understanding that there is a difference between these two terms. Yet both are equally important in a healthy relationship. A Boundary is a theoretical line that we define for others. Like a boundary on a map, in truth there is no line in stone […]

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