How Counseling Can Help Your Child With Depression   Working with a child counselor can give your child tools to address common depression symptoms, develop healthy coping skills, and learn how to become their own advocate.   Common Signs Of Depression In Kids: Low energy. A decline in academic performance. Not wanting to socialize. Negative…

How To Teach Your Child Mindfulness: Tips From A Child Therapist   Mindfulness is the act of being in the present moment. Though this may sound like something easy to do, it can be challenging. For kids, this strategy can be very challenging. This is due to the amount of stimulus that kids have in…

When was the last time that you thought, “What is the purpose of this trial in my life right now?” If we are honest with ourselves when we’re going through hardship or difficult times very seldomly does this thought cross our minds, at least not initially. Maybe you’ve said to yourself recently, “In hindsight I…

     Who among us has not experienced closing off and shutting down our loving when something happens that we judge or find hurtful or upsetting.  We withdraw loving somehow thinking that to keep experiencing it would somehow indicate approval for something that we disagree with or see as not caring or even humane.  We also can mistakenly view…