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Tag: Stress

Warrior/Soldiers can release the “normal” stress of combat

Dr. Robert Schwarz

Many men and women in the military have significant problems adjusting to civilian life after active duty.  They have problems sleeping.  They are agitated and jumpy, easily angered.  Thoughts and images about the war come back to them at unwanted times in unwanted ways.   They often feel emotionally disconnected from others including family.   […]

Enhancing Therapy with – Energy Psychology

Dr. Robert Schwarz

I wrote the folowing article for the National Psychologist, In my 27 years of practice as a clinical psychologist, I have been guided by a continuous curiosity to study and implement the most effective tools for helping my clients experience relief and healing. Whether the techniques are firmly rooted in the psychotherapeutic establishment or newly […]

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment

Dr. John Gerson

Understanding Secure and Insecure Attachment John Gerson, Ph.D. It should be our goal as parents to raise our children to be secure people. Fortunately, most of us have implicit knowledge of the behavioral ingredients that combine to promote security. That implicit knowledge most likely comes from the lucky experience of having been parented by parents […]

Mind-Body Connection

Sharyn Rose

How often do we forget the fragile balance or imbalance between our emotions and physical ailments? You can see your PCP for headaches, muscle aches, and a rash and leave his/her office with nothing more than $150 dollars worth of creams, ointments, and prescriptions. It is a delicate balance, however, as it can be equally […]

PET THERAPY: 20 Things You Can Learn from Your Pet (Part I)

Web MD had a wonderful article posted online about 20 things you can learn from your pet. All of them were good suggestions, but some spoke to me more than others. For instance, “live in the moment” and “forget multitasking;” although these were two separate recommendations, they seem related. Oftentimes, especially in this age of […]

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