According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 3.2million Canadian youth between the ages of 12-19 are at the risk of developing Depression. Shocking? Right. Children and adolescents can develop depression if they are/ have experiencing/ experienced: Huge pressure from school, society, or family Stressful transitions, such as changing school, neighborhood, city, or country A major…

Have you ever wished you hadn’t done what you done? Or said what you said?The reality is that, mistakes happen! What is important is that you do not lose control of the situation. Be creative in finding a new way to approach your problems, in turning your mistakes into something more positive. An activity, which…

Because of the recent press about the amazing benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy more and more therapists are bringing their dogs to work. Is this Animal Assisted Therapy? Animal Assisted Therapy involves a trained counselor or therapist working with a trained animal in a goal-directed way within that therapists’ area of expertise. The therapist should…

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up. Many consumers seek a quick fix.  They go to a variety of untrained “therapists” searching for a remedy for instant gratification. …

I wrote the folowing article for the National Psychologist, In my 27 years of practice as a clinical psychologist, I have been guided by a continuous curiosity to study and implement the most effective tools for helping my clients experience relief and healing. Whether the techniques are firmly rooted in the psychotherapeutic establishment or newly…

Throughout our lives, we develop limiting and unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, habits, and ways of “being” in the world that become stored in our unconscious minds. These negative thoughts often result in self-sabotage and an inability to achieve our goals or break destructive/unhealthy habits.   Clinical hypnotherapy serves to by-pass the conscious mind and speak directly…