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Narcissistic Personality Disorder therapists in Irvington, NJ

We are proud to feature top rated Narcissistic Personality Disorder therapists in Irvington, NJ. We encourage you to review each profile to find your best match.
Montclair, New Jersey therapist: Christina Andino, licensed clinical social worker
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Christina Andino

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW
Within therapy, we delve into the profound impact of relationships affected by narcissistic personality disorder on the client's mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being. My priority is to create a secure environment where clients can freely express their experiences and have their emotions validated, aiding in their comprehension of the intricate dynamics at play. Through therapeutic interventions, our focus lies in establishing healthy boundaries, enhancing assertiveness, and formulating coping strategies to effectively navigate the challenges inherent in interactions with narcissistic individuals. I guide clients in nurturing self-care practices, cultivating resilience, and exploring methods to prioritize their own needs within these relationships. Ultimately, the objective is to empower clients to maneuver through these complex dynamics, bolster their emotional well-being, and make informed decisions concerning their relationships.  
7 Years Experience
Near Irvington, NJ
Online in Irvington, New Jersey
Montclair Township, New Jersey therapist: Total Wellness Center, treatment center
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Total Wellness Center

Treatment Center, We have LCSWs and LPCs providing various talk therapies. It's key to find a provider who fits your unique needs.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Therapy for NPD focuses on fostering self-awareness, healthier relationships, & personal growth.  
9 Years Experience
Near Irvington, NJ
Online in Irvington, New Jersey
Eatontown, New Jersey therapist: Megan Shurtleff, counselor/therapist
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Megan Shurtleff

Counselor/Therapist, LSW
Narcissism like many personality disorders is through talk therapy where you learn to relate better with others so your relationships are more intimate, enjoyable and rewarding.  
4 Years Experience
Near Irvington, NJ
Online in Irvington, New Jersey
Colts Neck, New Jersey therapist: Dr. Dana Spada, therapist
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Dr. Dana Spada

Therapist, PhD, LCSW
Dr. Spada can support you through understanding NPD. She can provide with the support to dive into the deeper aspects of what you are experiencing.  
9 Years Experience
Near Irvington, NJ
Online in Irvington, New Jersey
Princeton, New Jersey therapist: Terri DiMatteo, marriage and family therapist
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Terri DiMatteo

Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Counselor
Individuals in a romantic relationship with a narcissist suffer. Losing one's self and a sense of reality are common. I provide guidance, support and strategies for individuals who find themselves in an emotionally abusive relationship gain strength, knowledge and insight. Clients gain clarity, confidence and strength to become action oriented.  
11 Years Experience
Near Irvington, NJ
Online in Irvington, New Jersey