Codependency therapists in Bayview Village, Ontario ON, Canada CA

We are proud to feature top rated Codependency therapists in Bayview Village, Ontario, Canada. We encourage you to review each profile to find your best match.
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North York, Ontario therapist: EMDR and Trauma Therapy Centre, registered social worker

EMDR and Trauma Therapy Centre

Registered Social Worker, Registered Social Worker, MSW, RSW
Codependency reveals a complex dance of enmeshment and emotional dependency rooted in early relational patterns. Shaped by experiences of attachment insecurity and past traumas, individuals navigate relationships characterized by excessive care taking, people-pleasing, and a blurred sense of self. Like tendrils reaching from the past, these patterns perpetuate cycles of dysfunction and reinforce feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Therapy offers a transformative space for unraveling these intricate dynamics, fostering awareness of unhealthy relational patterns and reclaiming autonomy and self-worth. Through healing attachment wounds and addressing underlying trauma, individuals can cultivate healthier boundaries and authentic connections, breaking free from the chains of codependency and rediscovering the power of their own agency and identity.  
22 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
North York, Ontario therapist: Kayla Schofield, registered psychotherapist

Kayla Schofield

Registered Psychotherapist, RP
entangled relationships start when we are born and are learned behaviours. Learning to create healthy boundaries and recognize each person is still seperate within the relationship can help create healthy relationships.  
4 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Niagara Falls, Ontario therapist: Adrienne Sharma-Richardson PhD MEd RP OCT, registered psychotherapist

Adrienne Sharma-Richardson PhD MEd RP OCT

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Gestalt Psychotherapist Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Gottman Trained Couples Therapist
Oh boy... I know this is a tough one. What does Co-dependency actually look like? These are 20 signs of Co-dependency... Do you have... Depression? Anxiety? Stress? Low self-esteem? Low levels of narcissism? Familial dysfunction? Low emotional expressivity? These are some of the things (Marks et al., 2012) found to correlate with codependency. According to Lancer, 2016; Mental Health America other signs of Co-dependency may also include: Having poor boundaries; Having a hard time saying no; Having trouble communicating honestly; Showing emotional reactivity; Having a need for control, especially over others; Feeling compelled to take care of people; Feeling a need to be liked by everyone; Feeling a need to always be in a relationship; Fixating on mistakes; Denying one’s own needs, thoughts, and feelings; Having intimacy issues; Confusing love and pity; Displaying fear of abandonment. If that's you or your partner I recommend couples therapy!  
11 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Markham, Ontario therapist: Ilana Blumenkranz, counselor/therapist

Ilana Blumenkranz

Counsellor/Therapist, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
I can help provide you with a deeper understanding of one's codependency and how to break patterns of behaviour.  
10 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Peter Stathakos, licensed clinical social worker

Peter Stathakos

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Registered Social Worker, BBA, MDiv, MSW, CMAT, CSAT
Depending on others for approval or a sense of purpose is a very stressful life. It can feel too scary to be alone while having someone close romantically can feel overwhelming. Despite these extremes, you wish for more stability. I have experience helping people discover and build internal structures so that they can be themselves and feel safe with others. Reach out today to get the care that you deserve.  
14 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Kurt Zubatiuk, registered psychotherapist

Kurt Zubatiuk

Registered Psychotherapist, RP (Registered Psychotherapist), Diploma TIRP, member CAPT
Codependent relationships can feel hopelessly stuck, seemingly impossible to leave or to negotiate. Unconscious emotions and patterns are often at work, interacting with our partner in ways we feel we don't have control over. Being able to talk deeply about this can lead to increasing understanding and freedom, as patterns and personal histories begin to make sense. Clarity can emerge, and with that the possibility of autonomy and choice.  
17 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Centre for Psychology and Emotional Health, psychologist

Centre for Psychology and Emotional Health

We have a great team of 20+ therapists with varying skills and specialties including working with codependency.  
21 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Victoria Lorient-Faibish, registered psychotherapist

Victoria Lorient-Faibish

Registered Psychotherapist, MEd, RP, CCC, RPE
A good description of codependency is “when a person’s self-esteem rises and falls based on the other person’s mood, tone or experience.” But it is actually much more than that. The person is overly involved in the other person’s needs, wants, problems and issues. In reality, some of the nicest people in the world are codependent, and if not watched, all relationships have the potential to become codependent. Codependency takes healthy emotions and corrupts them. For example, empathy is a positive emotion, but in codependency the empathy rises to a level where there is no division between the two people. Generosity is also a beautiful emotion, but in codependency it turns into control and over enmeshment. In addition, the codependent person often feels excessively guilty for having any need that may create discomfort in the other person, even if the need is healthy and necessary for their emotional well-being. The undoing of this pattern is crucial to finding one's joy and peace. We unpack this as it relates to one's relationships to others as well as to the relationship with oneself.  
32 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Gwen Schauerte, registered psychotherapist

Gwen Schauerte

Registered Psychotherapist, RP, M.Ed.
Codependency can feel confusing and confounding. We are trying to sort out "who am I and who is the other?" Setting and maintaining boundaries and developing self awareness can be just two responses. The reward of doing this work is a clearer sense of one's self in relation to others.  
31 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario therapist: Redbird Therapy Centre, registered psychotherapist

Redbird Therapy Centre

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Psychotherapists
Jessica Weeks, Liz Bostwick, Nic Cadman, Benjamin Rubinoff, and Barbara Brown come with great experience working with folks on co-dependency and addiction patterns. Feel free to check out all our therapists to see who's the best fit for you. We can all work with you around stepping out of codependent patterns. Contact our Intake Worker to help determine who will be the best fit for you.  
29 Years Experience
In-Person Near Bayview Village, ON
Online in Bayview Village, Ontario