Phobias are powerful manifestations of irrational fears that can profoundly impact daily life, triggering intense emotional responses that feel overwhelming and uncontrollable. These fears often stem from deep-rooted subconscious associations, originating from past traumatic experiences. The subconscious mind, in its efforts to protect us, creates strong reactions to perceived threats, even when those threats are minimal or nonexistent.

Practical Techniques to Overcome Phobias:

1. Recognize Triggers: Identifying specific triggers is the first step towards overcoming phobias. Awareness of what sets off your fear response allows you to begin managing it effectively.

2. Practice Awareness: Engage in regular mindfulness practices to cultivate awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. This practice strengthens your ability to stay present and grounded during moments of emotional intensity.

3. Deep Breathing: When faced with a phobia trigger, practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply, hold briefly, and exhale fully. This technique calms the nervous system, helping you regain control over your emotions and reduce anxiety.

4. Assess the Situation: Take a moment to objectively assess the situation triggering your phobia. Determine whether the perceived threat is real or a projection from past traumatic experiences. Recognizing these patterns can empower you to respond more rationally.

5. Acceptance and Release: Embrace feelings of discomfort and fear without resistance. Acceptance allows emotional energy to flow through and dissipate naturally, diminishing the intensity of the phobia response over time.

6. Mindful Response: Respond mindfully to phobia triggers by consciously choosing your actions based on rational assessment and self-awareness. This mindful approach fosters healthier coping mechanisms and reduces impulsive reactions.

7. Seek Professional Help: While self-help techniques are beneficial, overcoming deep-seated phobias often requires professional guidance. Consider therapy sessions tailored to your specific needs, such as hypnotherapy or mindfulness-based therapy, to address underlying issues effectively.

Example: Overcoming Fear of Flying

Imagine someone develops an intense fear of flying after associating air travel with the emotional turmoil of a past divorce. Despite years passing since the divorce, the subconscious mind continues to link flying with those painful emotions, creating a powerful phobia that prevents them from flying again. Through targeted therapy sessions, including hypnotherapy to address the root cause, individuals can separate the traumatic experience from the act of flying. This process allows them to overcome their fear and reclaim the ability to fly without debilitating anxiety, restoring their freedom and joy.


Reclaiming freedom from phobias is achievable with a combination of self-awareness, practical techniques, and professional support. By integrating these strategies into your daily life and seeking therapeutic assistance, you can effectively conquer irrational fears and open the door to a life filled with fulfillment and joy.

Ready to take the first step towards healing? Schedule a complimentary 1-hour Zoom video consultation with Arne Pedersen, a trusted Victoria-based therapist specializing in anxiety, self-confidence, and phobia relief. Invest in your emotional well-being today for a better tomorrow.

Experience transformative therapy with Arne Pedersen at Awareness In Health. Watch our video on overcoming phobias and explore more insightful articles on Arne’s TherapyTribe profile.

Visit my website Blog to explore other Self-Help Videos:

Seeking professional help is vital for sustained recovery from Phobia’s

Therapeutic approaches like hypnotherapy and mindfulness techniques have proven very effective. A qualified therapist offers personalized guidance, support, and accountability on the path to healing.

Consistency in therapeutic techniques is key to overcoming OCD and preventing relapse. To support this journey, I provide a comprehensive audio program designed to maintain momentum between our private video, or in-person, therapy sessions.

If you’re ready to overcome Phobia’s and regain confidence and freedom in your life, schedule a free 1-hour zoom video consultation with me. Together, we’ll create a personalized action plan to help you accomplish your goals and live a life free from the grasp of phobia’s.

Also, visit my Therapytribe profile for additional SELF-HELP articles.

I wish you a wonderful day,

Arne Pedersen
Awareness in Health
Mindfulness-Based Counselling Hypnotherapist
Victoria, B.C.