Due to computers, many teenagers spend a lot of time in their rooms gaming with their friends especially since the pandemic.  However, many parents worry about what else their teenager may be doing in their room, such as vaping or drinking alcohol.  As a result, many parents ask me, if is it appropriate if they search their teenager’s bedroom.  Besides parents worrying about what their teenager maybe doing in their rooms, parents are frustrated that their teenagers bed rooms are a complete mess.  The question about searching a teenager’s bedroom has been occurring long before the pandemic.  However, since the pandemic and the quarantine, I have been hearing the question more often.  While I understand parents concerns, we need to remember that teenagers do need their privacy.  Their ability to have privacy has been significantly reduced due to the pandemic and quarantine. So parents feel in order to be a responsible parent they need to look at their teenager’s bedroom, however, developmentally teenagers need privacy.  This is not an easy issue so let’s deal with this issue.

Parents it is very important to remember to pick and choose your battles.  There are a lot of issues you will need to discuss with your teenager.  Therefore, it is important to ask yourself, is it worth an argument?  Teenagers are at a point in their lives where they do need their privacy.  They are also at a point where they are trying to find their own identity.  Their bedroom is a place they use for part of this process.  Additionally, many teenagers, especially with the Coronavirus, feel they have no control over anything.  For many teenagers they feel a sense of control in their bedrooms.  They find this sense calming and reassuring.  Therefore, it’s important to remember these issues and allow teenagers some additional time in their bedrooms. Also you want your teenager to learn responsibility.  

My recommendation is not to make an issue of their bedroom.  During this pandemic you and your teenager will become stressed over numerous issues.  Also in the long run you will have more important issues such as school, how late your teen wants to stay out, where they want to go and the common issues of alcohol, drugs and sexual activity.  Therefore, their bedroom really is a minor issue.  In my opinion it is not worth the fight.  Arguing about their bedroom, which they view as their private space, can lead to bigger problems with some of the other issues I listed above.  During this pandemic period, teenagers need a private space so they can take mental breaks.  Also remember these are only some of the issues you will need to set guidelines and expectations about your teenager’s behavior after the quarantine.  This is why I strongly recommend leaving the bedroom alone.

Many parents ask me, “then I should just let them live in a junk yard?”  The answer is yes. However, there are some guidelines I do set with teenagers.  I tell them that Mom and Dad are not going to clean their room as long as they comply with the following guidelines:

  1. The bedroom door must be able to be closed so no one else has to look at the mess.
  2. People can walk by the room without smelling anything such as rotting food.
  3. There are no ants or bugs going into or coming out of the room.
  4. They do not keep dishes in their room so Mom has dishes when she needs them.
  5. They are responsible for getting their clothes out of the room and cleaned.  They are also            responsible for putting away their laundry.

If they do not follow these guidelines, then they are giving Mom and Dad permission to go in and clean the room as they see fit.  I ask the teenager and parents to both agree to these guidelines.  I also recommend writing down the guidelines.  Therefore, two months from now if someone remembers the agreement differently, you have a document you can refer back to which states what everyone agreed to.

Therefore, I recommend to parents if their teenager can agree to these guidelines, let them live in a junkyard.  If they forget to get their clothes to the washer then they will be the one wearing dirty clothes.  This is helping them to learn responsibility.  It also gives them a sense of independence which they need.

I remind teenagers, if you do not want Mom and Dad cleaning their room then they need to abide by the guidelines.  I also remind them it is their responsibility to get their clothes to the washer.  If they don’t then they will be wearing dirty clothes to school.  I also remind them that they cannot stay home from school because they do not have any clean clothes.  I am basically telling the teenager that their parents and I feel they are responsible enough to take care of their room.  This again helps the teen feel more mature and understand that they have to start assuming more responsibility for theirselves.

Now for the next issue, searching your teenager’s room.  I do not think it is something parents should do on a regular basis just because their child is a teenager.  As parents you have a responsibility to make sure you are raising a responsible young adult and if they need help, you have an obligation to provide them with the help they need.  Therefore, if you have valid reasons to believe your teenager is using drugs or alcohol on a regular basis, then yes search the room.  A valid reason would be noticing the smell of marijuana on their clothes or coming from their room.  Finding marijuana or alcohol bottles in their backpack or car that they use.  Other signs could be changes in their behavior and grades that are associated with drug use.  However, before searching the room, I would recommend when your child enters middle school that you discuss with your child about the conditions which would make you search their room.  If you feel it is necessary, tell your teen that you will be searching their room.  Obviously, you do not tell them a week a head of time so they can hide things.  I suggest you calmly inform them when they are home that you will be starting to search their room in a few minutes.  It is important you explain the reasons why you are searching their room.

Parents may be concerned about an argument.  This may start an argument, but this argument is worth it.  Remind your teen about the agreement the two of you had made about searching their room.  If you feel your teenager is not mature enough to abide by the agreement and is likely to start a physical fight, then you do not tell them and search it when they are out of the house.  Remember you are only searching the room if you feel your teen is having a serious problem and need professional help.  As a parent, it is your responsibility to get them help when they need it.  You will want to remember this fact because your teenager may be very angry with you.  However, it is better to have an angry teenager than a dead teenager.  Many of the drugs teens are using today can kill someone very quickly and teenagers are not usually aware of all the risks.

Therefore, in general respect the privacy of your teenager’s bedroom, however, if you notice signs that indicate your teen is having difficulties then search the room.

As for the last issue that become more apparent during the pandemic is parents feel teenagers spend too much time in their bedroom.  They hear them staying up late, sleeping until noon and the rest of the time playing games on their laptops and talking with friends using the games.  Yes this can be an issue.  The best approach is to discuss this issue prior to summer.  However, if you did not, it is not too late.  Let your teen know you need to talk to them about their room.  Do not attack telling them they are spending too much time in their room.  They will simply stop listening and the discussion is over.  Before talking to them think about what and why you are concerned about the time in their room.  One major reason hopefully is you want the opportunity to spend some time with them.  Explain your concerns and some possible solutions you have developed.  At this point ask your teen how they feel and do they have any solutions.  If you have a calm, caring conversation and you are willing to consider all options, you should be able to resolve the issue.  Most teens want to hear that their parents care and want to spend time with them.  They tend not to admit to these feeling but they are their.  Also teens do better when they feel you have listened to their ideas and are not just telling them what to do. 

Remember the pandemic is stressful and scary for everyone.  This is not a time you want to be arguing daily with your teenagers.  If we all remember we are all in the same situation and decide to work together, we can get through this quarantine together.

Dr. Michael Rubino has over 25 years experience as a psychotherapist who teats teenagers and children.  For more information regarding Dr. Rubino’s work or private practice visit his website at www.RubinoCounseling.com or his Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/drrubino 3.